DIY Fabric Flowers

Fabric flowers are everywhere and you can DIY!

Cut out circles from a t shirt. You’ll need 7 identical size circles for each flower.

One circle will be the base. Fold the other circles in half then in thirds.

Glue each petal down using fabric glue.

You can add a button or any embellishment you like to the middle.

Hats love a nice fabric flower.

Cute flowers can dress up anything.

Have fun!

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About The Renegade Seamstress

I'm a busy wife, mom, grandma, and teacher who loves to create. I've joined the refashion scene and I 'd like to share and connect with all those talented and creative people out there doing similar things.
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77 Responses to DIY Fabric Flowers

  1. Cara Olsen says:

    Beth, these are adorable!! And, lol, finally! I have actually made something similar. I used felt instead of fabric, but basically the same concept. Your buttons add a new level of cuteness, and the hat is just perfect! The whole outfit goes so nicely together.

    Happy Sunday, lady 🙂

  2. Super cute! I can’t seem to get tired of fabric flowers…


  3. Those are SO cute! And I think even I could make them! 😉 and a HUGE congrats to you and you and your family with the baby coming!!! So exciting!! I send good wishes on a happy and healthy pregnancy!

    xo, Leanne

  4. robindenning says:

    oh, so cute! I wonder where I need flowers? I will tuck this away in my memory.

  5. You need to know, I pinned your fabric flowers, and they are being re-pinned like CRAZY! way to go, you talented lady!!


  6. Meg says:

    I want to make some of these and put them on a hair clip for Dee to wear – so cute! Keep the good ideas rolling!

  7. bas says:

    I really like this flowers! Thanks for sharing.
    I work with recycle fabric too and I created something similar.
    You can see my recycle fabric flower here:

  8. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the flower tutorial, cut flowers!

  9. ooobop! says:

    Simply lovely. And far less complicated than most fabric flowers! Thanks Beth 🙂

  10. Love these! You’d never guess after looking at one that you could get this craft project done in under five steps, that’s just amazing. Thanks!

  11. Molly says:

    So lovely! Looks like even I could make them. Thanks for stopping by my blog — I’d love to feature you if you ever have a waffle or no-waffle.

  12. aprilgia says:

    What a great way to use up old t-shirts! I gotta try making some for my daughter!

  13. CJ says:

    Those are super cute and on the hat…fantastic! A friend of mine always is making cloths for her grandbabies and will love this post! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and for the like!

  14. artclubblog says:

    Those flowers are lovely, and so is your blog. Why I might just dust off my sewing machine!

  15. ReStitch Me says:

    Very cute! I will have to try these soon!

  16. Pingback: Kreative Blogger Award « loveinthemidwest

  17. Love your blog so I nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award!

    Kreative Blogger Award

  18. craftingismybliss says:

    What a great fabric flower. Glad I found your blog to follow.

  19. inkspeare says:

    OMG, I love this. I will certainly try it. These flowers are so cute.

  20. Pingback: Fabric Flowers Inspired by Chic Envelopements « justarookiemom

  21. jeanmcdaniel says:

    What a great idea!

  22. Pingback: A BIG Thank You « littleprince68

  23. Thanks for taking the time to post this. I so want to try these one day.

  24. LubbyGirl says:

    Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the Like! This is a great idea, one I have been intending to try for some time but haven’t gotten around to yet. Do you have a pattern for the hat too? I have been learning to make hats too – made one from a hideous old pair of green corduroys that looked GREAT as a hat!! LOL I gave it to my friend’s 8-year-old son, who loved it and thought it looked like a “train person’s” hat, as he said.

  25. Very cute! I’ve made a lot of these out of ribbon with vintage buttons, but I like the possibility of using scraps from other upcycling projects that this affords 🙂

    Any tips on making hats? I’ve a pair of grey work trousers that are dying (okay, they should have been retired already but I’m cheap) and I’d love to make a newspaperboy typr of hat out of them. I think the color would make a great base for all different decorations.

  26. Here’s a link to a tutorial I did on making a hat from an old sweater.
    It would work great for a pair of trousers too.
    Let me know how it works. I’d love to see pictures!
    Have a good night!

  27. Bonnie says:

    These are sooooo adorable and seem so simple to make! Thank you for entering this into the Green Crafts Showcase! I’ll be posting the top 10 features this Friday so I hope you’ll check back! 🙂

    -Bonnie @ Crafting a Green World

  28. Erin says:

    Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  29. Pingback: Fabric Memo Board Plus . . . « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  30. Pingback: Road Trip Project! « PILLOWS A-LA-MODE

  31. Pingback: Winter mantel « littleprince68

  32. Pingback: My Little Treasures – fabric flowers a la Chic Envelopements (first attempt) | folaswelt

  33. Pingback: A Baby Beret | sewmuchchoice

  34. Pingback: Fabric Flower « Mrs M Makes

  35. Mrs M says:

    What a great idea and tutorial. i saw this and then made one of my own last night. i blogged about it today. I hope you don’t mind me showing how it is done too. I linked it to this tutorial which is a better explanation with far superior photos!

    Fabric Flower

  36. twistnpout says:

    Oh boy, I think I have found another possible obsession. i love these flowers!

  37. Your flowers are taking the world by storm, Beth! Even little girls I know are making them now! 🙂 Thanks once again for the timeless tutorial that gives so much fun and happiness to all your sewing and crafting friends. And have a GREAT summer! 🙂

  38. These are so pretty! I’ve been making fabric roses lately which have a lovely shabby chic kind of look to them but these flowers look a little more “finished” if that makes any sense! Perfect to adorn so many things! Thanks for the tute!
    Tracey x

  39. Pingback: Brooke and Her Refashioned T Shirt Dress: A Tutorial | The Renegade Seamstress

  40. Angeles. says:

    I’m doing a link party, Could I include one of your images (per link) to promote it?

  41. Pingback: Top 10 Genius Fabric Crafts - Top Inspired

  42. Anonymous says:

    These are terrific ideas. You are very talented. My mother was like you. Unfortunately, most of her creativeness came from need. One item I remember her making was a coat for one of my younger sisters. Mom had a mink coat that she cut down to fit a kindergartner. Guess in her case necessity was the mother of invention. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  43. Pingback: DIY Fabric Flowers | Diy-Crafts.Org

  44. Pingback: 50 Flower Crafts for Spring - Do Small Things with Love

  45. Pingback: Six Things to Make With Old T-Shirts (That You'll Actually Keep Around)

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