Thrifty Chic

I know what you’re thinking.

You recognize her from somewhere………

How do you know her………

Thrifty Chic

Hey, it’s the beautiful and talented Mary Peterson from Thrifty Chic.

You probably remember her from the first season of Refashion Runway. She won the Copycat Challenge with this amazing refashion:

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Mary is one of my new partners. She has been working hard on her own refashion blog. I’m sure many of you have already subscribed to Thrifty Chic to be inspired by her creative redesigns but, if not, I highly recommend you head over there right now and subscribe. She has some of the most beautiful and wearable refashion tutorials out there.

I was lucky enough to interview her so you could get to know her a bit better. Here’s our conversation:

Tell us about the moment you fell in love with refashioning.

That is an easy one! It was “The Great White Shirt.” Check it out! When I made this shirt in a few hours over a couple of days, I realized that I could have something new without paying full price, or going through the time and expense of sewing from scratch. This shirt received more compliments than anything I had ever purchased in a mall. It was the shirt that launched my “blogging niche.”

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What has been the most fun about blogging so far?

At this point, the best thing has been meeting and sharing ideas with the wonderful people in the refashion community. I have learned so much from them and it makes me so happy when I find out I have inspired or helped someone else as well.

 How would your best friend describe you?

She would probably say I am certifiably crazy! LOL!
I love to laugh, be silly and have a great time. She would also say I am loyal and driven to be creative.

What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

I love my quiet time early in the morning. At that time it is just my coffee, the chirping birds, and I before the kids get up and all of the mayhem of the day begins. No TV or radio. Sometimes I read, blog, or play with new refashion ideas on my dress form. Also, I love to be active with swimming, exercise class, and hiking with my friends. Of course it goes without saying that I also adore the time to shop and dream at a thrift store for new refashion ideas!


 Who is your role model and why?

My role model is my mother. She is hanging out with the Lord now and I miss her daily. I may be biased, but in my opinion she was just the sweetest, most gentle, God fearing, woman on the planet. With all of that, she was still fierce, tough as nails, and a mother who would give anything she had for her family.


 What is something about yourself that people would be surprised to hear?

People I just meet are always surprised that I have not been a teacher (currently 3rd grade) my entire working career. Prior to that, I was in the fashion business. I have been in order: a design assistant, (think “The Devil Wears Prada,” I kid you not!) a sweater designer, design room manager, and a children’s (boys) sportswear designer. I left the business for many reasons but I do not miss it at all. Now I like to say I help to “Fashion Futures.”

Where do you live? What is your favorite thing to do around town?

I live in Covina California. My favorite thing to do (aside from thrifting) in town is to go out with my husband and socialize with friends. There is a cozy wine bar downtown that is a favorite. We also like to find places that have craft beers and yummy appetizers.

 Any advice for someone else starting a blog?

Oh yes! If you are not technically savvy, get some help. I was so fortunate to have a family friend who has/is helping me out with the technical aspects. He designed my logo and led me through the Ad Sense riddles in no time. Before he came on the scene, I spent a year trying to wade through it! (I adore you James!) Also, don’t be shy to ask fellow bloggers for help and advice. I was nervous about that but wonderful people like you Beth, have played a huge part in getting me on track.

Anything else you’d like us to know about you?

I am a chocoloholic! (Only dark chocolate) and it must be See’s, Godiva, or Dove or it is not worth the time or calories to me. (Oh I sound like a chocolate snob!) LOL! I also love to dance. Give me ‘80’s and 90’s music and you can’t stop me!

Thank you, Mary, for taking the time to help us get to know you better. I’ve got the most supportive and loyal readers and I’m sure they will head on over to support a hard working and creative blogger like you.

Mary also has some pretty cool giveaways on her site. So head on over to Thrifty Chic, check out all her fun refashion tutorials, and subscribe so you don’t miss a thing.


About The Renegade Seamstress

I'm a busy wife, mom, grandma, and teacher who loves to create. I've joined the refashion scene and I 'd like to share and connect with all those talented and creative people out there doing similar things.
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17 Responses to Thrifty Chic

  1. kittehluvs says:

    So wonderful to hear all about Mary. I love her refashions:) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sue erdle says:

    I am new to this re-fashion business, love the blogs. I was inspired to re fashion 3 pairs of capris, that were too tight. I cut down the outside seams, and put in 5 inch panels of pretty fabric, and they turned out so nice. It was very easy, and I saved so much money. I was set to donate them, and glad I kept them. They are so much more comfortable now, especially Since it is in the 90’s, and I work outside. Thanks for all the great ideas!!

  3. Anny says:

    Enjoyed Mary’s blog and I now subscribe. Thanks!

  4. Nay says:

    I love posts like this, it’s a great way for others to be exposed to fantastic blogs/bloggers! I found most of the blogs in my reader by referrals from others 🙂

  5. Thanks for helping us get to know her better–loved that winning refashion. The others were good. It was the BEST!

  6. Jo H. says:

    Super write-up, Beth – I really enjoyed learning more about Mary and how she came to write a refashion blog. I find her (like you) to be very helpful and the styles she creates are, as you said, very wearable.

  7. missmarys says:

    Hey Beth, your refashioning got me to thinking about a dress that was way too big for me. So I made a skirt out of it. Yep, I did. I recognized you and another blogger for my inspiration. Here’s the link.

    Thanks for helping me to repurpose.

  8. Great Interview and of course I love her work – I voted for her several times! 🙂

  9. I have been subscribed since I first saw her on refashion runway! She is soooo talented and inspiring!

    I am having a competition on my page So check it out and spread the word! I need a new logo and I’m hoping some people will compete to design one for me with a chance to win a once in a lifetime unique prize!!


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