DIY Shirt Refashion

Let’s start with this thrift store, button down, men’s shirt that I’m going to wear backwards. Yep, that’s right, I said backwards.

Use this strip for the waistband

With right sides together, pin and sew sleeve back into sleeve casing and now you have a new summer shirt!!!!

This project was inspired by Tracy from Let’s Get Thrifty . She refashioned, not just one, but three men’s button downs into cute summer shirts! Check out her awesome blog for some more ideas!

Have a great weekend!

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About The Renegade Seamstress

I'm a busy wife, mom, grandma, and teacher who loves to create. I've joined the refashion scene and I 'd like to share and connect with all those talented and creative people out there doing similar things.
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80 Responses to DIY Shirt Refashion

  1. Great idea! I would never have thought of that.

  2. ooobop! says:

    Oh wow. This is genius! Usually mens shirt-refashions look exactly like what they are/were but you would never guess with this little number. Great stuff!

  3. Cara Olsen says:

    Too cute, Beth!! I love the potential; you could put the shirt over a pair of crisp white jeans, throw on some heels and jewelry, and make it a dressy affair. Or dress it down with some shorts for a “romping about town” kind of look. Either was, it’s adorable!

    Happy Friday,

    • Thanks so much my friend! I was also thinking that white jeans would look nice with this. Now we just need some nice spring weather. I did, however, see the first crocus poke it’s head out today. Perhaps there’s hope after all. Hope you are feeling a little better!

  4. This is very cute! What a great way to redo a button up shirt…


  5. Missi Smith says:

    Wow! You are amazingly talented. I can’t sew to save my life! love it!

    • Oh Missy, you are too kind! I think it’s more determination and necessity than talent. But I do have fun! Have a great weekend and thanks for your comments, they mean a lot to me!

  6. Dee says:

    Really cute refashion! I’m definitely going to give it a try!

  7. I loved your refashion. I need to do that with some of my hubby’s shirts he doesn’t wear!

  8. Cassandra says:

    What a great project! I’m here via Refashion Co-op, I just had to see how this was done! 🙂

  9. CherryPix says:

    Exellent (re)make…
    Your tutorial notes look great!

    [Note to self: must investigate Photoshop]

  10. missmarys says:

    Beth as promised check it out: Think you’ll like it. I love what you did with this shirt. Have a great day.

  11. ThriftyNut says:

    This looks like a fun project! I am glad you found me! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  12. Cathy G says:

    What a great way to re-purpose the shirt! Thanks for stopping by my site – that’s how I found you! 🙂

  13. littlepostcards says:

    Love this!

  14. Penny says:

    The shirt is awesome! Steve better watch out he might start missing some shirts.

  15. Claudia says:

    Very nice and feminine !!! I have TONS of men’s shirts and this is a great way of using them ! This is a very nicely done tutorial by the way. It shows that you are a teacher, from a fellow one 😉

  16. MaryAlice McCrae says:

    So cute! You are very creative and cleaver. I want to try this soon. I have a 1 month old son and have been trying to figure out how to refashion or alter a shirt into a cute nursing top. I have a little bit of sewing experience but no idea how to design a cute nursing top. Do you know of any places I could find a tutorial or could you post one? By the way I love your blog.

  17. Shey says:

    wow, impressive refashion! =D

  18. Betty says:

    What an interesting blog! You are so talented and creative. Original ideas are hard to come by, but this certainly is one. Your tutorial was so easy to follow and understand. Great post!!

  19. Wow, that’s so clever! Awesome tutorial, too!

  20. Tracy says:

    Wow – super impressive!

  21. Your blog is my first exposure to refashion. What a great concept – and I love this shirt!

  22. I have only just found your blog and I can see I have a lot of reading ahead of me! I am always finding mens shirts in op-shops that I just love to see what I can do with them. I just have to try this idea it looks fab! Your tutorial is funky and easy to read. Great work!!

  23. Pingback: An old mens shirt? No a new Ladies top. « Andycreations Blog

  24. Nice! I love this one too!

  25. awesome shirt choice! it turned out sooo well! very creative! really like it!

  26. Pingback: DIY Pleated Summer T Shirt Refashion | chic envelopements

  27. i have had a shirt in my closet for about 4 years that was given to me as a gift. I love the fabric, but I don’t really like the style or fit. I am going to use this idea to recycle it! thank you for visiting my blog because that prompted me to visit your blog 🙂 Now I’m going to make something out of that shirt that I’m actually going to wear!

  28. Pingback: DIY Nautical Shirt with Fabric Paint | chic envelopements

  29. Pingback: DIY Bleach Pen T Shirt Design | chic envelopements

  30. Pingback: DIY Simple Skirt Refashion | chic envelopements

  31. bristolbelle says:

    I love how you’ve made this into an entirely different garment – it’s a great shape too.

  32. Pingback: Easy DIY Maxi Dress in Fifteen Minutes or Less | The Renegade Seamstress

  33. Pingback: One Thrift Store Dress+One Refashion=Three New Looks | The Renegade Seamstress

  34. Anonymous says:

    What does the back look like?

  35. Anonymous says:

    Bravissima! Complimenti.
    Un caro saluto.

  36. Brittany says:

    That looks super cute!

  37. SANDY says:

    I just love all the things you do with re-designing clothes!!! It inspires me to sew, really! Im going out to buy my first sewing machine next week, and begin from literally ZERO know how!! But I am determined to start to sew beautiful clothes like you do!!!! Thank you for all your inspiring turtorials, they really help!

  38. Pingback: Awesome Men's Shirt Refashion Projects | For Women

  39. Pingback: Awesome Men's Shirt Refashion Projects - Woman's World

  40. Sarah says:

    I have looked at many of your tutorials and am excited to start some of my own projects. I notice that you have a form in your photos. Do you find that having the form is imperative to your work, or could it all be done without?

    • Hi Sarah. Most everything I do could be accomplished without my form. I bought my form from Joann’s a few years ago and although I can adjust the form to my measurements, it isn’t the same as my “shape”. So I still have to try on my clothes throughout the process. There are forms out there that will mimic your exact shape and size, maybe I’ll get one some day…… 🙂

  41. Elsa says:

    Hello I would like to ak what to do if I have a skirt, beautiful blue long circle skirt but unfortunately it is very old and it has some holes and teaeings which I was trying to repair whith sowing but it always stays just a week. Also it does not look nice after the sowing. What should I do is there some way to repair it I don’t want to give ir eway 😦 :). Thanks foe wverithing I love your blog.

  42. Ashley Baker says:

    Do you have a photo of the back? I’m trying to imagine how it ended up. Thank you!

  43. Terty says:

    What a great idea! You could reuse any buttons you cut off by sewing them down the front, or spacing them out on the inset part. Or cut the strip on a diagonal if there’s enough fabric, for a slanted stripe inset. Good job!

  44. Christine R Carey says:

    Hello, I really like what you did with this shirt! Can you show us the back of it? Is it a pullover or do you have to button the back to put it on? Is it difficult to do that/

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